Additional resources
Planning the essay
Here is a useful resource on understanding essay questions:
Jones, J., & Grant, B. (2000). Writing, setting and marking essays: A guide for students and staff. Auckland: Centre for Professional Development. Available through the Library.
Building the essay
Resources from English for
- How to write an introduction
- How to develop a paragraph
- Writing topic sentences
- How to write a conclusion
Achieving coherence
- Oshima, A. and Hogue, A. (2006). 4th ed. Writing academic English. NY: Pearson Education Inc. Chapter 2. Available through the Library.
- Achieving cohesion (English for
Understanding essay types
- Examples of student writing (University of Auckland)
- Academic Writing at Auckland (AWA)(University of Auckland)
- Academic phrasebank (the University of Manchester)
- Example academic essay (English for
Checking the essay
- Revising and editing (University of Auckland)
- Commonly confused words (Oxford Dictionaries)
- Grammar and mechanics (Purdue OWL)
- Incorporating sources into your writing (English for
- Referencing conventions (Referencite)