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Admission to the University

To apply for a programme go to and click on APPLY NOW. As part of your application for admission, you will be asked to choose a "programme".

Steps for Application for Admission

The possible programme options for your courses/papers are:

Postgraduate certificates - Health Science (60 points)

Postgraduate diploma - Health Science (120 points)

Proficiency of Certificate - (COPUA) (15 points)

After you complete the application and submit it, you will receive an email giving you a University ID number.  It will also list the documentation required as part of admission.  This includes a certified copy of your full academic transcript of all prior degrees/tertiary qualifications, including grades for each component paper and a completion certificate.

We are not able to offer a place in a programme until all requested documentation has been received by the University. For this reason it is important to start the application for admission at least 2 months before the start of the following semester.

Once you have received our offer of place and accepted online you are able to enrol in courses.

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