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Brief Overview

The Learning Technologies Online programme consists of courses that focus on the effective use of technologies in teaching and learning and some common issues arising from the same. The material has been designed and developed in collaboration with 15 different universities from UK, Holland, Australia and New Zealand for teachers, researchers and learners alike who would like to increase their knowledge base in the area of technology enhanced education.

You will find the following modules to be a useful reference material for teaching and course design for elearning:


Original version

New and revised version

 1: Introduction to Learning Technologies

 original course identifier=389  new course identifier=615

 2: Effective use of Learning Management Systems

 original course identifier=389
 new course identifier=616

 3: Internet Based Collaboration Tools

 original course identifier=389  new course identifier=614

 4: Course Planning

 original course identifier=389  new course identifier=617

 5: Developing Course Content

 original course identifier=389  new course identifier=618

 6: eAssessment

 original course identifier=389  new course identifier=619

 7: Teaching with Learning Technologies

 original course identifier=389  new course identifier=615


These courses are in the beta version as updates are still being made.  All the courses are being adapted for UoA use with local examples and case studies. As technologies keep changing we envisage a constant need to update these resources in the future. 

If you are interested in knowing more about this project and or taking part in the pilot run of the courses, then contact Ashwini Datt at the Centre for Academic Development via email or phone ext 87613.

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