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Welcome to the world of tracheostomy. We hope that you find this website useful as you develop your skills in tracheostomy.



NZSTA Resources

The New Zealand Speech-languge Therapists' Association has a number of supporting documents for those working with children and / or adults with a tracheostomy.

Tracheostomy management is an extended scope of practice for a speech-language therapist in New Zealand including communication, swallowing and tracheostomy weaning. 

Supporting documents include a position paper and competency training programme as well as associated documents on endoscopy.



New Zealand Tracheostomy Simulation Workshop

The annual New Zealand Tracheostomy Simulation Workshop held in the University of Auckland Simulation Centre is training programme including both online learning and a fully immersive workshop. The workshop is faciliated by Anna Miles and Lucy Greig. The workshop covers both paediatric and adult tracheostomy management.

The outcomes of this workshop have been published:

Evaluation of a tracheostomy education programme for speech-language therapist


New Zealand Tracheostomy SIG

The New Zealand Tracheostomy SIG is run by Becky Lantzos. The SIG hosts approximately 5 events per year with two monthly webinars and an annual in-person study day.

The SIG is a place to hear from experts in the field but also share and discuss cases. 

New Zealand Tracheostomy Chat Room

On the next page, you will find the New Zealand Tracheostomy Chat Room.

This is a place to ask for advice and provide support for your peers.

You can post queries using your name or anonymously. 

Make sure you tick the box to get email alerts when people answer / ask questions


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