Credits for the Psychiatric Assessment Teaching Software
Scenarios written by:Dr Verity Humberstone and Dr Tony Fernando
Directed by: Dr Tony Fernando
Actors: Stuart Coats, Maggie Maxwell, Cherie Ann McQuilkin, Henry McKenzie, Tainui Tukiwaho
Junior Doctors: Drs Kate Newhook, Gerald Chew, Martin de Bock, Christine Brabyn, Radika Moonesinghe
Discussants: Drs Tony Fernando and Verity Humberstone
Model Answers provided by: Drs Tony Fernando, Verity Humberstone, Simon Hatcher, Leah Andrews, Sally Merry, Louise Webster and Marie Israel
Produced by: The Centre for Flexible and Distance Learning at The University of Auckland
Graphic design: Kalven Kand
Multimedia design: Mike Hurst
Thanks to my mentors from the University of Pennsylvania who made Psychiatry stimulating and fun: Drs John Sargent, Tony Rostain, Jim Stinnett, Cabrina Campbell, Ed Schweizer, Joe DiGiacomo, Henry Bleier and Mart Szuba.
- Tony Fernando
This programme was partially funded by a Teaching Improvement Grant from the University of Auckland.
This software programme is intended for teaching purposes only. It should not be used to diagnose or treat actual clinical conditions.
The patient roles were portrayed by professional actors. The scenarios are fictitious.
For further information about this software please contact Tony Fernando, Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Auckland.
Phone +64 9 3737599
Copyright Auckland UniServices 2004
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