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Case 1 - Shaun presents with cough and wheezing

Study focus for this case

Paediatrics students

Basic sciences relevant to this problem

Pneumonia: clinical features, radiology

Asthma: definition, clinical presentation, treatment

Bronchiectasis: causes

Bronchial anatomy: correlation with x-rays

Pertussis: clinical features, immunisations

As you work through this case, you should concentrate on:

  • assessing and managing a child who presents with a cough
  • observing how an expert gathers and uses information to arrive at a diagnosis
  • recalling what you learned in the basic sciences and how this is relevant to this problem

Phase 1 students

As you work through the case, focus your learning on:

  • recognising the differences in history taking when dealing with children.
  • knowing the common causes of respiratory distress in children.
  • understanding how the anatomy of the respiratory system affects the likely course of airway obstruction.
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