An insight into natural hazards in the Bay of Plenty

Welcome to the practical section of GEOG 105 - Natural Hazards in New Zealand. Within this CD you will find a set of interactive lab tasks and resources that will help you reach the learning objectives for the course. The lab tasks are designed to provide a platform for us to examine a range of natural hazards that present real risks to the people and infrastructure of the Bay of Plenty. The lab programme is divided into four parts.

  1. Geological Hazards (Lab 1) includes a virtual field trip to the town of Matata in eastern Bay of Plenty, focusing on landslide and debris flow hazards.
  2. Flood Hazards (Lab 2) involves a case study of the large flood event that inundated the Whakatane coastal lowlands in 2004.
  3. Coastal Hazards (Lab 3) incorporates a virtual field trip to the town of Ohope where we evaluate coastal erosion, storm and tsunami hazards.
  4. Disaster Scenario (Lab 4) builds on material covered in the first three labs by providing important resources and background for a role play exercise that you will participate in during week 12 of the semester.

Before starting the Virtual Field Trips please take time to read the background information on the Bay of Plenty. The getting started page also provides useful pointers on how to make the most of your time and the resources available.

You are free to work through the tasks in your own time, either at University or at home. If you need assistance with any of the tasks you can attend one of the scheduled lab classes where a tutor will be available to answer your questions. Times and room locations will be announced in lectures and posted on Cecil.

I hope you enjoy what we have put together.

Dr. Scott Nichol
Course Co-ordinator