Reflective Questionnaire
Take ten minutes to answer a few quick questions to get you thinking about how prepared you feel for postgrad study.
You may wish to explore more about your programme requirements in the Online Resource area.
Explore ways to clarify your motivations for study in the Online Resource area.
Explore ways to clarify your motivations for study in the Online Resource area.
Explore more about strategies that you can follow to make a positive start to your study in the Online Resource area.
Explore more about strategies for making a positive start to your study in the Online Resource area, including if you have any concerns about different learning needs or challenges you may face in your learning.
Explore more about strategies for making a positive start to your study in the Online Resource area, including if you have any concerns about different learning needs or challenges you may face in your learning.
In the Online Resource area you can tap into information like academic workshops and contact people that can help you transition well into your new academic learning journey.
It will be important for you to tap into key information and support people/links in the Online Resource area to ensure you transition well into your new academic learning journey.
In the Online Resource area, learn about other university support networks in place for you as a Māori and/or Pacific postgraduate student. In addition, take time to reflect on how you can plan to juggle competing demands with your study, work and family/whānau commitments.
In the Online Resource area, learn about the university support networks in place for you as a Māori and/or Pacific postgraduate student. In addition, take time to reflect on how you can plan to juggle competing demands with your study, work and family/whānau commitments.
It is important to visit the Online Resource area to learn about the university support networks in place for you as a Māori and/or Pacific postgraduate student. It will also help if, before you being your study, you can reflect on how you plan to juggle competing demands with your study, work and family/whānau commitments. It will be helpful to discuss these plans with any family, whānau or friends who can offer you any support with your learning goals.
You may still find it useful to take a few minutes before your semester starts to familiarise yourself with whom and where you can go to if you find you do need help during your study. If so, visit the Online Resource area.
There are many people available to guide you through this process and provide support as you focus on achieving your goals. Visit the Online Resource area to make a start.
There are many people available to guide you through this process and provide support as you focus on achieving your goals. Visit the Online Resource area to make a start.
See the Online Resource area for more details about resource requirements and suggestions for getting ready to be in a good position to stay on top of course readings and assessments.
See the Online Resource area for more details about resource requirements and suggestions for how you can get better prepare to be in a good position to access course readings and get on top of assessments.
See the Online Resource area for more details about resource requirements and suggestions for how you can get better prepare to be in a good position to access course readings and get on top of assessments.
Visit the Online Resource area for ideas from previous postgraduate students about how they have navigated working, caring for children and staying active in their community while fulfilling study commitments.
Visit the Online Resource area for ideas from previous postgraduate students about how they have navigated working, caring for children and staying active in their community while fulfilling study commitments.
Visit the Online Resource area to find out more about how you can prepare – for example, by having conversations with supportive family, whānau, friends, work colleagues and university support people.
See the Online Resource area for other aspects relating to your learning that may impact on how much time you need to be effective in your study each week.
See the Online Resource area for other aspects relating to your learning that may impact on how much time you need to be effective in your study each week.
See the Online Resource area for other aspects relating to your learning that may impact on how much time you need to be effective in your study each week.
To see if you have considered the range of potential study-related costs, as well as made yourself aware of any Scholarships and/or study loan assistance that you may be eligible for, visit the Online Resource area for further information.
To see if you have considered the range of potential study-related costs, as well as made yourself aware of any Scholarships and/or study loan assistance that you may be eligible for, visit the Online Resource area for further information.
To see if you have considered the range of potential study-related costs, as well as made yourself aware of any Scholarships and/or study loan assistance that you may be eligible for, visit the Online Resource area for further information.
Particularly when planning how to approach course assignments, you may find it helpful to visit the Online Resource area for helpful tips and tools.
Particularly when planning how to approach course assignments, visit the Online Resource area for helpful tips and tools to get you started. In addition, you will find contact details for Student Learning Advisors who you can get in touch with in your first few weeks of study before your first assignment.
Particularly when planning how to approach course assignments, visit the Online Resource area for helpful tips and tools to get you started. In addition, you will find contact details for Student Learning Advisors who you can get in touch with in your first few weeks of study before your first assignment.
To learn more about some aspects of English writing in a postgraduate academic environment that may be new or unfamiliar to you, visit the Online Resource area.
To learn more about what English writing in a postgraduate academic environment will be like, and to see an example of the DELNA English language assessment tool, visit the Online Resource area.
To learn more about what English writing in a postgraduate academic environment will be like, and to see an example of the DELNA English language assessment tool, visit the Online Resource area.
You may find it helpful to crosscheck your understandings of how to develop a sound academic argument by visiting the Online Resource area - particularly before your first major assignment in your first semester of study.
You may find it helpful to crosscheck your understandings of how to develop a sound academic argument by visiting the Online Resource area - particularly before your first major assignment in your first semester of study.
You may find it helpful to visit the Online Resource area - particularly before your first major assignment in your first semester of study. You'll be able to link to more information and support there about how to develop a sound academic argument.
To get a head start on the Academic Integrity Course, visit the Online Resource area.
To get a head start on the Academic Integrity Course, visit the Online Resource area.
Learn how to use, and reference, academic literature appropriately by starting the Academic Integrity Course that is linked in the Online Resource area.
If you would find it helpful to review, or learn about, this sort of information about academic searching, visit the Online Resource area.
We recommend you visit the academic searching online tutorials in the Online Resource area to brush up on your range of searching abilities.
We highly recommend you visit the academic searching online tutorials in the Online Resource area to develop your searching abilities.
Have a look at the Online Resource area to learn how to evaluate articles you find for your assignments.
To make a start at understanding the difference between academic and non-academic articles, look at the Online Resource area to learn how to evaluate articles you find.
To make a start at understanding the difference between academic and non-academic articles, look at the Online Resource area to learn how to evaluate articles you find.
To learn about the University of Auckland's "IT Essentials" visit the Online Resource area.
To learn about the University of Auckland's "IT Essentials" visit the Online Resource area.
To learn about the University of Auckland's "IT Essentials" visit the Online Resource area.
More prepared |
__morePreparedStr__ |
Somewhat prepared |
__somewhatPreparedStr__ |
Less prepared |
__lessPreparedStr__ |
Who can I contact?
For help and information
If you have questions about your eligibility for study or any concerns about your academic preparation for postgraduate study, please contact us at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences and a support person will be in touch soon:
Phone: +64 9 923 2760
Keep your Results and your Personal Profile that has been emailed to you in a safe storing place for the future so you can access the online Preparation Tools pages.
Short Personal Profile
Your Short Personal Profile below summarises your answers from the Reflective Questionnaire.
Click on the question key words below to visit online Preparation Tools pages. They have information, contact people and a few resources you can look at and download to help you prepare for your postgraduate study journey.
Don't forget to check your email inbox for more detailed feedback about your Reflective Questionnaire answers.
The following information is your personal result summary from the PG Poutama STEPPS Reflective Questionnaire.
The table below shows you areas where you answered that you feel more, somewhat or less prepared for postgraduate study. You can follow the links provided to online Preparation Tools pages – there you will find information, contact people who can support you and a few practice exercises as you prepare for your study journey ahead.
If you have any questions or concerns about your study at any time, please contact us at:
Responses selected |
Link to online Preparation Tools page. |
These are the areas where you feel mostly prepared. |
These are the areas where you feel somewhat prepared. |
These are the areas where you feel less prepared. |
Reflective Questionnaire Feedback
Please take 2 minutes to help us improve this tool to support postgraduate Māori and Pacific students transitioning into postgrad study. Your input to the questions below will make the PG Poutama STEPPS tool easier to use.