Self assessment MCQs
Where are the IV sites for the lower extremities?
Where are the sites for IV cannulatio in the upper extremity?

Dorsum of the hand, forearm, actecubital fossa (cephalic, basilic)
What materials are needed for an IV cannulation?

alocohol wipes.
lidocaine (local anaesthetic)
tape/bioadhesive tape
what is the preferred location of an IV? why?

Which veins are commonly used in the antecubital fossa?

cephalic, basilic, median cubital
Disadvantages of dorsum of foot?

When preparing the IV cannulation site, what are the steps?

1. locate suitable vein
2. apply touriquet
2. maximize venous engourgement
4. clean/disinfect are with alcohol wipe.
What are the steps for IV cannulation insertion?

1. Apply traction
2. insert catheter
3.flash advance cath
4. release tourniquet
Name two reasons arterial cannulation used for?

Continues Blood pressure monitoring, Arterial blood sampling,
Name Four suitable sites for arterial lines placement
radial, brachial, femoral, dorsalis pedis
Why is the radial artery the preferred artery for an arterial cannulation site?

which artery provides majority of blood flow to hand in 90% of patients?

The larger the cannula, the __________the fluid flow
The larger the cannula Guage number, the _____________the cannula
Layers of veins / arteries
Common canulae sizes are:
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