Introduction to GrammarSmart
GrammarSmart is an interactive self-study grammar module that highlights some common troublespots experienced by students. Each unit of work has:
- Objectives
- Quizzes to help you assess how much you know and identify your problem areas
- Review notes for the grammar feature
- Practice activities to help you internalise the rules
- Challenge tasks to use the grammar feature in various contexts
Why study grammar?
"Grammar is the fundamental organising principle of language......It is what gives sense to language. Studying grammar is the business of taking a language to pieces to see how it works."
Crystal, D. (2004). Rediscover grammar. (3rd ed.). Essex,UK: Pearson Education
GrammarSmart is NOT to be read like a book. The best way to proceed is to do the Self-Analysis to identify the grammar feature that poses the most difficulty for you and start there. Review that feature often before moving on to another feature.
The APA referencing style is used for all references to source texts in these units. Please check with your department for the referencing style you need to use for your discipline.