Medsci 206 Plagiarism information
Plagiarism What is it??
Plagiarism is an instance of the act of plagiarising. The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1995) defines plagiarise as "1 take and use (the thoughts, writings, inventions etc. of another person) as one's own. 2 pass off the thoughts etc. of (another person) as one's own". Webster's II New College Dictionary (1995) defines plagiarise as "1. To steal and use (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own. 2. To take passages or ideas from and use them as one's own".
- Plagiarism is intellectual dishonesty and in science it is a form of scientific fraud. Plagiarism undermines the intellectual and ethical foundations of science, medicine, and the University.
- The General Regulations of the University of Auckland, under ‘Work other than examinations', state in 2c: "Unacknowledged copying or plagiarism in completing this work is treated as an examination offence". The penalties for this offence include cancellation of passes and disqualification from courses.
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- More information on Plagiarism and references, Please refer to the following reference website
- Under no circumstances should you use another student's work, or allow another student to use your work, in completing any part of the course work for a paper.
- Where plagiarism is detected, the reports involved will each receive a mark of zero. The only concession will be when a student can prove that his or her laboratory report was copied without their knowledge.
- Presentation of a laboratory report in which parts of the text are copied from another student's report, either in the same year or any other year, is plagiarism or will be treated as such. The Department reserves the right to report such instances to the University's Discipline Committee.
If you are under pressure or stressed by deadlines, discuss this with the tutors or paper coordinator.