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Practice reading tasks


To help you practise for the reading test, do the practice reading tasks on the next page. The instructions below come from the actual reading test.


During the reading test


You will read two descriptive, factual texts on aviation topics within a Private Pilot Licence training syllabus. Each question is worth 1 mark. Each text is worth 15 marks.  


Type or select your answers from the options as you read. You will complete the following tasks:


Task One: Matching key vocabulary from the text to definitions (5 marks)


Task Two: Reading for the overall idea (1 mark)


Task Three: Scanning for specific information (2 marks)


Task Four: Reading for details (7 marks)


There is no time limit for this test. However, you should follow the task instructions. These tell you at what speed you should read. 


You can check your answers immediately and retry reading again for any incorrect answers you had. However, your overall score will be calculated after the first time you check your answers.


After the reading test


You will receive your overall score and the score for each section of the reading test as well as for the listening test. You will also receive specific suggestions and learning activities for how you can develop your reading abilities based on how you answered the questions.




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