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Practice tasks: Meteorology

Task One: Vocabulary

The words in the box below come from the text you will read. Read the definitions below and drag the matching word to its definition.

 vapour – region - atmosphere – height – proportion –

layer - mean variation 


Each question is worth 1 mark. This task has 5 marks in total

vapour region height proportion atmosphere layer mean variation


– the average difference in amount or quality

- how tall or high something or someone is

- a substance that is in the form of a gas or that consists of very small drops or particles mixed with the air (noun)

- the layer of air and other gases around the Earth

- a quantity or thickness of something that lies over a surface or between surfaces 



Task Two: Reading for gist

Read the the whole text below quickly to identify the overall purpose of the text. Choose from the options below.

This task has 1 mark in total.

Which is the best title for this text? 



Read the text


To read the text click here


Task Three: Scanning

Scan the text quickly to find:

  • 0.001%
  • 15-30 kilometers

Fill in the missing information below with ONE word from the text or select from the drop down options.

Each question is worth 1 mark. This task has 2 marks in total.

1. 0.001% is the amount of Ozone in the troposphere.

2. 15-30 kilometers is where ozone is concentrated in the stratosphere



Task Four: Reading for details

Now read the text more carefully and answer the questions below by typing in or selecting your answers from the drop down options.

Each question is worth 1 mark. This task has 12 marks in total.

Match the gas to its importance to the environment


Significance to the environment



 1. Determines weather processes


water vapour



 2. Partial cause of the greenhouse effect


carbon dioxide



 3. Main gas in air pollution





Read the statements below. If the statement is about the troposhere, write T, write S for the stratosphere, M for the mesosphere and TH for the thermosphere. Some statements are about two layers.

4 & 5. Temperatures generally decrease with height -  T and M

6 & 7. Temperatures rise with height - TH and S

8.        It is heated mainly from below from the Earth’s surface - T

9.        Heated by ozone absorbed from the sun - S

10.      There is a lot of water vapour in this layer - T

11.      The coldest part of the atmosphere is at the top of this layer - M

12.      Most weather occurs in this vertical layer – T



Task Five: Identifying main and supporting ideas

Read the sentences below. They contain ideas from the text. Which of these sentences is a main idea and which is a supporting idea? Choose from the drop down options.

Each question is worth 1 mark. This task has 5 marks in total.


1. The atmosphere consists of a mixture of gases. main idea


2. Water vapour comprises 0-5% of the gases in the atmosphere supporting idea


3. The release of energy from water vapour causes weather events main idea


4. There are four layers in the atmosphere determined by changes in temperature main idea


5. There can often be temperature inversions within the troposphere supporting idea


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