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What are the benefits of practicing your presentation?

What are the correct answers? There are more than one.

1. Going over your talk with a friend gives you a chance to?

2. What happens when you read your slides?

3. If you practise the timing of your talk it is less likely you will:

4. When you keep normal eye contact (up to 4 seconds):

How do you respond to your audience?

What are the correct answers? There are more than one.

1. How can you prepare yourself for questions from the audience?

2. How should you respond if you cannot answer a question from the audience?

3. How should you respond to criticism?

What if the technology fails you?

Technology problems

  • Make sure you know what type of equipment will be available for your presentations. For example, will you use a Mac or a PC?
  • Remember that equipment sometimes fails, so it could be worthwhile to practise giving your talk without the aid of a slide presentation.
  • Have cue cards or print out your slides in case of equipment failure. 

\'Piled Higher and Deeper\' by Jorge Cham

Basic template for a 20-minute presentation

Start drafting what you want to say during your presentation.

This template gives you a basic estimation of time for each section, and can be adapted for longer or shorter presentations.

After finishing you can save and download the file as a PDF or rtf (to be opened in Microsoft Word).

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