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Abstract -
A summary of the content of a journal article, report or book. Abstracts vary in length and are a good source of keywords.


Bibliography -

List of all material used in preparation of a document even if the material has not been specifically referred to in the document, e.g., background reading.

Boolean Operators -

Boolean operators are AND, OR and NOT. They are used to indicate the relationship between different search words.

AND means all words must be found in each result.

OR means results must find at least one of the search words.

NOT means all results must not include a specific word.


Citation -
The article details needed to be able to locate the original publication, usually author, article title and source information. Source information includes the journal title, volume, issue, date and pagination.
Citing -
The details needed to be able to locate the original publication.
Connect page -
The Connect page outlines the contents and main features of the database, and offers help and support on its use.


Databases -
A database is a collection of information in electronic format. Each item (such as journal articles, reports) has a record that stores pieces of information about the item in fields, i.e., author, title, subject, date.


EndNote -
A specialised database program for storing and managing bibliographic references. It allows you to import references from Library catalogues or other electronic databases into EndNote libraries.


Full text -
The entire text of a published article, including diagrams, charts and tables.


In-text citations -
Citation details within the body of written work.
Instruction terms -
These words tell you what you need to do for your assignment, e.g., discuss, compare, describe.


Kate Edger Information Commons
Key search words and phrases -
The key concepts or subjects in your assignment.


Limits -
Words or phrases that constrain the scope of your assignment, e.g., time - last 5 years; geography - New Zealand.


Open access publishing -

Authors make their creative works available publicly and freely, via the internet. This is done through direct listing, institutional repositories, or as part of the traditional publishing process.


Paraphrase -
Re-stating another author's ideas using your own words.
Peer reviewed -
Articles submitted for publication that have been approved by an editor and other academics.
Plagiarism -
Using the work of others and presenting it as your own without explicitly acknowledging, or referencing, where it came from.


Quote -
A passage or remark you have quoted directly from someone's work.


Refereed -

Articles submitted for publication that have been approved by an editor and other academics.

Reference list -

The list at the end of a document which includes only those sources actually mentioned (cited) in the document.

Referencing styles -
Formatting rules for citing and referencing all types of materials.
RefWorks -
RefWorks is a web-based reference management tool which allows you to manage your references, collaborate on group work and to format papers to the citation style of your choice.


Scholarly -
A serious, detailed, research-based study of a subject.
Scholarly articles -

Serious research-based articles written in a scholarly or academic environment.

Subject resources page -
A tailored set of resources for a particular subject, such as economics. It includes links to books, journals, databases, full-text articles, exam papers, internet resources, topic guides and research tips and techniques.
Synonyms -
Words (or phrases) that mean nearly the same as other words in the same language, e.g., promotion and advertising.


Zotero -

A free Firefox or Chrome add-in that helps you collect, manage and cite your research sources.

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