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Creative Writing Asian English Language Teachers' Creative Writing Project |
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Announcements for members (2013 April-)
Anthology: Announcement
Tenth Anniversary Anthology.
For the Publication:
a) Submit two separate files as follows:
~ Up to four poems ,
~ Two stories – one 600 words (approx), one longer (2000 words approx.)
NB. All your work should be original (ie. should not include anything you have submitted before)
b) If you took any good photos which might be used to illustrate what you wrote, please submit these in a separate file labelled Pictures.
Label each file with the file name plus your name.
c) Submit in Word 2003 format. (No compressed files will be accepted)
Times New Roman (no fancy fonts, colours, drawings!) 11/2 line spacing.
Titles in bold, 14 point.
d) For each piece of writing put your name at the top, followed by the title (if any) – all in regular 12 point.
e) Deadline is 31 October 2013. Files should be sent to Alan, copied to Jaya and Tan Bee.
Important Editorial Note.
The fact that you submit your writing does not guarantee its publication. If it is not up to scratch, it will not be used.
In submitting work, you agree to its being edited if necessary.
Anthology: Yes
1. Jaya
2. Tan Bee
3. An
4. Phuong
5. Moti
6. Risti
7. Fan
8. Mallika
9. Kanokon
10. Ivy
11. Leilani
12. Li Wei
13. June
14. Vishnu
15. Sarita
16. Mierza
17. Thu Ha (I didn't sent her the email but you said she sent you two poems already)
18. Le Ha
19. Alan
Call for ideas for 'Activities for language teachers/students' (5.5.13)
Dear all
It has been a while you haven't heard from me, asking for things!
I am writing to inform you that i have added a new page on our website (https://flexiblelearning.auckland.ac.nz/cw)
The page is called 'Activities for Language Teachers and Students'.
The first contribution is from Alan (pasted below as well). If you have an activity to share, can you send it to me? (perhaps following a similar format). Our previous page 'Why I write' received several interesting contributions and yesterday, i showed off Vishnu's poem 'Why I write' to my undergraduate students in a lecture talking about writing and they all loved it.
Look forward to hearing from you with ideas for the page
Tan Bee
A sample activity contributed by Alan
The New Months of the Year (Alan Maley)
Language Aims: to revise and teach vocabulary associated with the senses (smell, taste, vision, sounds, etc.)
Educational Aims: to develop the skill of paying close attention to the natural world.
1. Ask students what are their favourite smells (eg. fresh coffee, the sea breeze, lime pickle, etc. ). Then ask them to recall smells they do not like, (eg. durian, bad breath, boiling cabbage,etc.)
2. In pairs, they give new names to the months of the year. These must all be based on a smell or aroma which is typical of each month, or which they personally associate with that month. This will vary a lot from one country to another. For example, in Europe, January might become Pine Cones, October might become Leaf Mould.
3. Allow about 20 minutes for this, then get feedback.
4. Finally, students read out their new calendar for the rest of the class. They then prepare a decorated calendar with the new names for the months on it. This should be displayed.
1. Instead of smells, they can base the new calendar on Tastes, on Sights, or on Sounds. You might even try: Colours, Flowers or Birds.
2. Ask students to research the Chinese farming calendar. It has 24 divisons, not 12, each named after a change of weather or something similar : Insects awaken, Grain rain, White dews, Hoar frost falls, etc. Can they base a calendar on this for their own country?
Acknowledgement: I borrowed and developed this idea from a workshop by Mojica Bellac at IATEFL Conference, 2013.