Welcome to the online Paediatrics Advanced Life Support course CyberPALS
Learning to perform Paediatrics Advanced Life support (PALS) is an interactive process that requires both knowledge and skill. This online course will give you the necessary background as a pre-course preparation. It is based on the current 2015 guidelines of the New Zealand and Australian Resuscitation Councils.
Dr. Magdi Moharib, M.B.B.S., M.anesth., MD
Course Director and developer,
FMHS, University of Auckland,
Email: m.moharib@auckland.ac.nz,
Phone +64 09 923 9303
Copyright Warning Notice
This on-line coursepack belongs to the Simulation Centre for Patient Safety, University of Auckland. It may be used only for the University's educational purposes. It includes extracts of copyright works copied under copyright licences. You may not copy or distribute any part of this coursepack to any other person. You must not make a further copy for any other purpose. Failure to comply with the terms of this warning may expose you to legal action for copyright infringement and/or disciplinary action by the University.