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Some words have true synonyms and can be used in the same way, e.g. argues>claims, BUT some words have no true synonym. In this case, use a phrase of similar meaning or word definition, e.g. demand>what people want/ask for; economy>the trade and industry of a country.

Sometimes you might not be able to think of a synonym. In this case, it is useful to think of a word or phrase which has the opposite meaning, by adding 'not' or the prefix 'un-' in front of it. For example,

               open may be written as not shut or not closed;

               efficient may be written as not wasteful;

               horizontal may be replaced with not vertical;

               different may be written as not the same or dissimilar or

               not like any other or unlike.

When using synonyms, do not substitute a word with another just because it appears to have a similar meaning, Make sure the synonym fits the context.  For example, the words change, adapt, and modify appear to have similar meanings. In the sample sentences below, which word best collocates with the noun following it? Click for the answer.

a. The author wanted to _______ his book for children.

b. The social worker tried to _______ the child's behaviour.

c. You cannot _______ your mind after signing the contract.            


  Single word matching

Drag the correct synonym from the left-hand column to the line at the end of each sentence.  If there is a match, the synonym will stay in place.

account for virtually prospective represents limited turn around reaching causes exact randomly 1.The committee chairman had to explain how much money was spent.
2.To many immigrants, the Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom.
3.The population of New Zealand is slowly approaching 4 million.
4.The frequent change of government frightened away potential investors.

5.The number of students joining the class was restricted to twenty.

6.It is nearly impossible for two non-twin siblings to inherit identical genes.

7.Sundials are not practical for telling time because they are not precise.

8.The desire for profit prompts auto manufacturers to change the design and features of their models each year.

9. A strong government is needed to reverse the country's declining economy.

10.The books were arranged in no particular order.

  Choose the right word. For each of the following sentences, decide which word is more suitable.

1. Although one of the prisoners refused to _____ to any of the questions, each of the others made a full confession.

2. Examination candidates are not allowed to eat, drink. smoke or talk for the _____ of the examination.

3. Of all recent inventions, it is perhaps the motor car which has _____ people's lives more than anything else.

4. Following the explosion at Chernobyl, scientists were keen to _____ the cause of the accident.

5. Following the earthquake, Christchurch residents are still waiting for insurers to _____ the damage caused to their property.

6. An important social and political _____ in many developed countries is the growing number of old people.

7. In order to discuss the implications of the crisis, the President _____ a meeting of his top advisers at the White House.

Word definitions

Sometimes it is not easy to find a clear one-word synonym. In this case, you can use a word definition from the dictionary and also experiment with a different word order.


Original         Mainstream physicists have been reluctant to accept Nelson's "catastrophe" theories.

Definitions     mainstream - 'the group of people who share the same ideas or views about an issue'

                     reluctant - unwilling to do or accept something; giving into or receiving something uneasily.

Paraphrase   The majority of physicists have been unwilling to accept Nelson's "catastrophe" theories.

With changed order  Nelson's "catastrophe" theories have not been easily received by the majority of physicists.

 Now you try. Use the starter word (s) to begin your paraphrase. Write your paraphrases in the text box provided (click 'Save' if you wish to keep a record of your work) or on your own paper.


 1  The researchers described a complex protocol involving the meticulous cleaning of equipment and strict controls on access to the laboratory.

Definitions    described - gave details of, provided | complex - difficult, complicated | protocol - procedure | meticulous - very careful, thorough | strict - tough, rigid | controls - limits, regulations | access - entry 

Starter words    For entry to ...., the researchers ...

2  The government's plan includes measures to limit currency trading.

 Definitions   measures - steps | limit - restrict, control  | currency trading - buying and selling of money from various countries

Starter words   As part of the government's plan, there are ....

3  In the 1950s, the club excluded people on the basis of colour and national origin.

Definitions excluded -would not let | on the basis of - because of, according to | colour - race  | national origin - nationality

Starter words  In the 1950s, the club ...  OR   In the 1950s, people of ....

4  India is linguistically heterogeneous.

Definitions  linguistically - to do with languages | heterogeneous - many different kinds

Starter words   In India, there are...

5 The team's research design was the image of an earlier project at Stanford.

Definitions  design - plan for the structure |  image - exactly like

Starter words   The plan...

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Suggested paraphrases at word level (note also the clause order changes):

1  For entry into the laboratory, the researchers gave details of a complicated procedure that included very careful and thorough cleaning and tough restrictions.

2. As part of the government's plan, there are steps to restrict the buying and selling of money from various countries.

3. In the 1950s, the club would not let people of some races and nationalities in. OR In the 1950s, people of different races or nationalities were not allowed into the club.

4  In India, there are many different kinds of languages.

5. The plan for the structure of the team's research was exactly like the one used in an earlier project at Stanford University.

For the following sentences, find your own definitions for the underlined words and use them in your paraphrase. Write your paraphrases in the text box provided (click if you wish keep a record of your work) or on your own paper.

1  Government regulations encouraged the university to have a diverse teaching force.

In contrast to its neighbours, Bangsa refused to bring in foreign workers to solve its labour shortage

3  There was a large gap between the government's spending and its income.

4  Muscle aches routinely accompany high fevers.  

[Sentences adapted from: Zwier, L.J. (2002). Building academic vocabulary. USA:The University of Michigan Press.] 

[Show answers]

Suggested paraphrases (note also the clause order changes):  

1. Rules set by the government led the university to hire teachers from many different races and nationalities.

2. Unlike other nearby countries, Bangsa would not import a lot of workers from other countries to make up for its lack of local workers.

3. The amount of money the government took in (earned) was very much less than then amount it spent.

4. People with abnormally high fevers are likely to feel some pain in their muscles.

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