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Word families


Know the word family

Most words are part of a 'family' of words that have a shared meaning. Knowing the word family is knowing the different forms (or parts of speech) of the word and using the correct form correctly in a sentence. As shown in the figure on the left, for example, the 'family' of the verb differ include the following: difference, differentiation (noun); differentiate (verb); different (adjective); and differently (adjective). Notice how each form of the word is used in a sentence.

It is important that you can use different word forms to rephrase ideas represented by academic words.



Using a different word form often requires a change in the sentence structure.  For example, changing the forms of the underlined words in this sentence, 

It may be useful to examine the three co-existing and overlapping economies: the market economy, the survival economy, and nature's economy.

requires a revised sentence structure (click on the highlighted words to see the word form changes):

Examining how the three economies that drive the market, survival, and nature, co-exist and overlap (-ing adjective to verb) may be useful.  




The three economies that drive the market, survival and nature could be worth investigating to determine how they interact with each other.

Using the correct word form

Select the correct word form (or part of speech) from the options given to complete each sentence.

1. The city manager ____________ his report to the Board this morning.

2. The report outlined plans for the __________ of funds for next year's budget.

3. The city council requested a __________ to one confusing part of the budget.

4. The council wanted more __________ on the funds allocation process.

5. A special law should be used to block and prohibit the __________ of sexually explicit material over the Internet.

Changing word form and sentence structure

Complete the paraphrases by replacing the underlined words with the words in bold. Write ALL your sentences in the text boxes provided further down the page. Click 'Save' if you wish to keep a record or write on your own paper.


1  These consumers believe that government intervention is necessary to improve the management of resources by major industries. 

  These consumers believe that the government _____________________________________ . should intervene (verb); manage (verb)

You write:

These consumers believe that the government should intervene to improve the way major industries manage their resources.

Now you try:

You may need to remove or add other words (e.g. articles, prepositions) and make gramamtical adjustments to produce grammatically correct sentences.

 1 The Landscaped Unit is responsible for providing landscaped sites and the planting of fruit trees in housing estates.

The ______________________________________________. responsibility (noun); provision (noun)

 2 Some people have insights into what drives motivation.

  Some people are very ________________________________. insightful (adjective); motivate (verb)

 3  It is not possible to alter the plans at such short notice.

  Altering _________________________________________ . impossibility (noun); altering (verb+ing)

 4  There is no justification for their actions

  They cannot _____________________________________________________. justify (verb); act (verb)

 5  When the police analyse the blood sample, they will find the murderer.

  The murderer________________________________________________. analysis (noun)

 6 There is no postal delivery on Sundays.

  Letters are not ________________________________. delivered (verb)

[Show answers]

Suggested answers:

1 The responsibility for the provision of landscaped sites and the planting of fruit trees lies with the Landscaped Unit.

2  Some people are very insightful about what motivates them.

3  Altering plans at such short notice is an impossibility.

4  They cannot justify their actions.

5  The murderer will be found after the blood analysis by the police.

6  Letters are not delivered on Sundays.


Choosing the correct word form

Drag a word in the correct part of speech to complete each of the following sentences. If your selection is the right one, it will stay in place after you have dragged it to the line.

diversified complexity complex availability diversity rigidity rigid technologically available technology 1 a. Communication is one area in which there have been amazing developments in
advanced methods of communication have had the most impact on society.

2 a. The banking industry will benefit from a new
of financial services.
   b. Major banks have
their financial services, which will bring innumerable benefits.

3 a. Many people feel that the job of being a parent today is much more
than it was in the past.
   b. The
of modern parenting makes it challenging for many people.

4 a. The strength of a building or bridge largely depends on the
of the materials used to build it.
   b. Constructing a strong building or bridge requires

5 The building boom in the city has increased the
of cheap office space.
   Cheap office space in the city is now easily
because of the booming building industry.

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