Background - Past natural disasters in the Bay of Plenty



Since European settlement of the Bay in the mid-Nineteenth century, several natural disasters have occurred. These events serve to clearly illustrate the range and scale of potential hazards to the people and property of the Bay. Below is a summary of some of these disasters.

The 1886 Tarawera eruption

Old Mill at Te Wairoa (ca 1886). By permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.
Permission of the Library must be obtained before any re-use of this image.

Isopach map of the area affected by the 1886 Tarawera Rift eruption. Compiled by Professor A.P. Thomas in July 1887.


Edgecumbe earthquake

At 1:42pm on the 2nd of March 1987, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck the town of Edgecumbe in the eastern Bay of Plenty. The earthquake epicentre was approximately 8km north of Edgecumbe and, while there was no loss of life, there were significant physical impacts and social disruption.

Physical impacts:

Social disruption:


Historical tsunamis

Tsunamis are thought to be relatively common around the New Zealand coast with an average of 12-13 events exceeding 1m wave height occurring every century. Since 1840, 12 tsunamis have been recorded along the Bay of Plenty and Eastern Coromandel coastline (Bell et al., 2004). The largest tsunamis to have affected the region through this time have been generated by "distant" sources, with the three largest (1868, 1877, 1960) all generated by large earthquakes in the subduction zone along Chile and southern Peru coasts. (Bell et al., 2004; de Lange, 2003).

The 1868 Peru tsunami was generated by a magnitude ~9 earthquake off southern Peru and northern Chile. Some of the known effects within the Bay of Plenty were:

The 1877 Chile tsunami was triggered by a magnitude ~9 earthquake off northern Chile. Damage within the Bay of Plenty thought to be less than in 1868, however the tsunami is known to have:

The 1960 Chile tsunami is the largest recorded tsunami in NZ. This was triggered by a magnitude 9.0-9.5 earthquake off central Chile. The tsunami run-up in Chile was estimated to be up to 25m, and run-ups over 6m were recorded in Japan and Hawaii. In the Bay of Plenty region the recorded effects were:


Further Reading

de Lange, W.P. 2003. Tsunami and storm-surge hazards in New Zealand. In: The New Zealand Coast: Te Tai O Aotearoa, Goff, J.R.; Nichol, S.L.; Rouse, H.L. Dunmore Press, Palmerston North. p. 79-95.

Bell, R.G.; Goff, J.; Downes, G.; Berryman, K.; Walters, R.A.; Chaugé-Goff, C.; Barnes, P.; and Wright, I., 2004. Tsunami hazard for the Bay of Plenty and eastern Coromandel Peninsula. Report to Environment Bay of Plenty and Environment Waikato. Hamilton, New Zealand. NIWA. (see