Lab 1 - Matata 2005 field stop

At this field stop we will investigate the destruction that occurred in Matata in May 2005. To do this you will:

  1. Investigate the causes.
  2. Determine extent of the damage.
  3. Make an assessment of the hazard.

Geology fieldwork is much like detective work - looking for clues to explain what happened. The processes that caused the hazard left diagnostic signs that geologists are trained to recognise and interpret.


Task 1 - Investigate the cause of the 2005 debris flow

Your first task will be to study the videos, graphics and text supplied to investigate the cause of the 2005 debris flow, and to provide short answers to questions on the answer sheet".

Task 2 - Hazard assessment – determining extent of damage

You will need to provide indications of the extent of the debris flow on an image provided on the answer sheet.

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