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In this section, you will evaluate your results and demonstrate that you understand both the experiment and science behind it.

  • What are the biological mechanisms underlying your results?
  • How do they relate to medical science and the function of the human body?
  • What are the wider implications of your results?
  • Are your results consistent with what has previously been reported in the literature? If not, why?

Discuss any limitations of your experiment or introduction of errors. Remember ‘human error’ is your mistake and should be remedied at the time of the experiment. It is not a consequence of the technique used or limitations in the equipment.




Read the paragraph below.

The two subjects had different lung volumes making it difficult to compare the two sets of data (Figure 1). Although %VC was used in an attempt to scale the data for fair comparison, biological differences should still be taken in account. Researchers have shown that compliance is influenced by lung size and larger changes in volume per unit of pressure occur in larger lungs (West, 2005). Comparison of the VCs shows that Subject A has a lung capacity 750 mL larger than the 60kg male subject. This large difference suggests that differences in lung size could account for discrepancies in the elastic and muscular compliances of these two subjects. Specific compliance (compliance per unit of volume of lung) could have been used for more accurate comparison (West, 2005).

Why would you expect to find this paragraph in the discussion? 
Choose the statement(s) that apply.


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