Overview of Pain Management |
Opioids in Cancer pain
Call the Palliative Care Team (or Pain service) for advice!
Basics: World Health Organisation (WHO) Analgesic Ladder
Refer back to the WHO ladder diagram in the revision section.
This “ladder” was initially developed by the WHO to guide the treatment of cancer pain. It may not work well for some other types of pain, e.g. neuropathic pain.
Medication should be given (if at all possible):
1. By mouth – so it can be taken at home.
2. By the clock – regularly so that pain does not come back before the next dose (prevent breakthrough pain).
3. By the ladder – gradually giving bigger doses and 'stronger' medication until the patient is pain-free.
4. For the individual – there is no standard dose of morphine. The correct dose is the dose that relieves the patient’s pain.
5. With attention to detail – includes working out the best times to give medication and treating side effects (e.g. giving a laxative)
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