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The personal touch is much easier in small groups, where you can check for understanding with your audience. In a large group, watch for non-verbal cues instead, e.g. is the audience noisy, restless, not looking at the presenter or presentation, is the room uncomfortable, too hot or cold?

There are a number of evaluation methods for getting feedback from a large class, both during a lecture and during the course. Some guidelines are:

  1. Do it early. Use the Fast Feedback (2 minute feedback) method. Ask questions about what they really liked, or could be improved on.

  2. Follow up. Give feedback to the students. (What action will you take/change.)

Consider also having a colleague conduct a peer review of your teaching style. Take a look at the guide to peer review of teaching. You might also conduct a formative evaluation of the course and your teaching style using Qualtrics. See the guide for using Qualtrics.

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