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Case Preparation


1) Before you begin to look at the case, you will benefit from reading Chapter 19 of the Introduction to Obstetrics and Gynaecology which gives a short overview of all methods of contraception. Another useful article is the 'How to treat : contraception' article by Helen Roberts written for NZ Doctor magazine pp. 35, 36, 37, 38-41. For this section you can concentrate mainly on the pill.

2) The other reading that will give you useful and important information about the pill is the RCOG Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare document on pills. They are  available at their website.

Read Drug interactions with hormonal contraception. This will give you a good overview. This is obviously important as some hormonal contraceptives will not be effective with enzyme inducing drugs - POPs and the Jadelle (contraceptive implant) cannot be used with these. 

See the Reading list at the end of this section for all the readings that you will be using in this section-it includes individual guidance on the combined pill and progestogen only pill

When you go to your Family planning visit do feel free to pick up all the relevant pamphlets in hard copy.

3) As you proceed through the case and learn more details about Diane you will may also want to refer to the specific tables in the UK medical eligibility criteria document

You will see that in many instances when a combined pill is contraindicated that a progestogen only pill is acceptable for use.

WHO/UK medical eligibility criteria:

  1. Use method in any circumstances
  2. Generally use the method
  3. Use of method not usually recommended unless other more appropriate methods are not available or not acceptable.
  4. Method not to be used
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