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When you read a scientific paper you may notice that the verb tense changes throughout the text. Below are some guidelines for when to use the past or the present tense. 

 TenseWhen to useExample
 Past Completed proceduresThe DNA was extracted from soil samples.
ResultsHigh concentrations of glucose inhibited enzyme activity.

Smith et al. (2010) found that high concentrations of glucose inhibited enzyme activity.

 Present  Well-known theoriesAnimal cells contain membrane-bound organelles.
Reference to tables and figuresFigure 1 shows the effect of temperature on growth.

Geological and geographical features

The area consists of rich, volcanic soils.








Adapted from: Silyn-Roberts, H. (2002). Writing for Science (2nd ed.) Auckland, New Zealand: Pearson Education New Zealand Ltd. (p. 142-143). 

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