Preparing for successful academic writing
3.5 Are you a strategic reader?
As well as choosing suitable reading materials for your assignments, you will need to use a range of reading strategies to find and understand information quickly and effectively. Complete the following activity to see how strategic a reader you are.
Read each situation below and select which strategy you would use to best fit the reading purpose. There are no wrong answers in this exercise.
1. You’ve been given an assignment and need to find sources that are suitable.
2. You plan to do some reading to gain an overview of the assignment topic.
3. You want to gain a thorough understanding of the assignment topic.
4. You want to locate specific information in a text (e.g., the definition of a concept, or description of a process).
5. You’ve selected a relevant text and want to find information you can use in your assignment.
Using a range of strategies for different reading purposes will help you get the most out of your reading. Being a strategic reader will enable you to:
• Find appropriate sources.
• Gain a thorough understanding of concepts and ideas in your field.
• Manage your reading materials and workload efficiently.