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Cook Islands Youth Research looking for NZ born Cookies 16 - 24 years

From: Eliza Puna []
Kia Orana,


My name is Eliza Puna and I am a Cook Islands young person studying at The University of Auckland  for a Masters of Public Health. My thesis this year requires me to  interview New Zealand born  Cook Island  individuals aged 16 to 24 years. 


More information about the research can be found in the advertisement attached.


Your assistance will impact positively on the future of New Zealand born Cook Island young people and also the Cook Island community residing in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Ultimately  this will allow me to recruit a wealth of knowledge from networks that you are well connected to. 


I am passionate for my Cook Island people and this thesis is one of the ways that I can contribute or give back to my people in a way that I know. 


Your assistance will be much appreciated.


Kind regards




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