Preparing for successful academic writing
1.7 Just answer the essay question!
Hua bravely stands up to ask a question in front of a full lecture theatre...
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Kiri has finished the lecture and is in a rush to leave. Hua shyly stands up to ask a question.
Hua: Excuse me… um… Kiri?
Kiri stops and looks up, her papers and keys dangling from her arms.
Kiri: Yes?
Hua: Um… Just wondering if maybe… perhaps um, you could maybe tell us, um, you know, what we have to
do in this assignment? Like… to pass?
Kiri: (rushing off, her bicycle helmet wobbling on her head) Just answer the essay question! Check the rubric
on Canvas. Ask your tutor! Sorry, gotta run!
Later, Hua is sitting down in John Hood plaza. She’s a bit shaken by the whole experience. Mele and Markus are hovering nearby.
Mele: (to Markus, with a grin) Do you know who Rubrick is yet?
Markus: Yup. Marking criteria for the course assignments. Look, they’re here. (points to his laptop)
Hua: (still trying to figure out what Kiri has said) But “The Future of Auckland's Transport” is not a question.
How do I answer a question that’s not a question?
Mele is thinking, Markus is typing away like mad.
Hua: Maybe I’ll ask Graham.
Mele: How’s he gonna help? This isn’t Law.
Markus: (to Hua) Can you ask in the tutorial today?
Mele laughs as Hua prepares to hit Marcus with the violin.
Mele: I think she’s done asking in front of a full class.
Markus: I think we should swing around our tutor’s office tomorrow.
Hua: ‘Swing by’, not ‘around’.
Mele: By, around, over and under, it’s a good idea. I’ll see you there.