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General rules for referencing

Your references can only list the literature that you have actually cited in your text. 

  • If there are more than two authors, name all of them. Do not use et al. in your Reference list.
  • List references alphabetically based on the first author’s surname. If you have multiple papers from the same author, list them chronologically under the author’s name. If you have more than one paper by the same author from the same year, label them a, b, c etc. as you did in the citations and list them in the order they appeared in the main text.
  • In some journals, reference lists provide abbreviated rather than full journal names, eg, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA is often abbreviated to Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. Choose either method and be consistent.
  • Standard abbreviations for journals [University of Illinois Library]

Don’t forget to ...

  • Italicise genus and species names in article titles.
  • For article titles, use sentence style capitalisation not title style capitalisation (eg, Orchid pollination by sexual deception: pollinator perspectives. Not: Orchid Pollination by Sexual Deception: Pollinator Perspectives).
  • For journal titles, use title style capitalisation (eg, The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society).
  • Ensure you use a consistent format for all the references in the list. RefWorks or EndNote can do this automatically.
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