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Sharing your paper

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  • Pre-prints, post-prints and publishers PDFs explained from OpenAccess
  • How can I share it?
  • SharedIt from SpringerNature -links to view-only, full-text subscription research articles can be posted anywhere - including on social media platforms, author websites and in institutional repositories - so researchers can share research with colleagues and general audiences.
  • Scholarly Collaboration Networks from Wiley; Article sharing policy from Wiley.
  • Kudos - Accelerating research impact
  • Altmetrics. Expand your social networks in your professional life. Use Altmetrics to see who has commented on your paper. What is Altmetrics?
  • What about ResearchGate? Check Sherpa Romeo for information about the journal and also read the advice of the publisher of the journal. For example some publishers give permission for authors to share the Submitted and Accepted versions on “not for profit subject-based repositories such as PubMed Central”. ResearchGate is a commercial repository, so is not included in those.You can share the submitted or accepted version of your paper in the University of Auckland Repository, ResearchSpace, by uploading and depositing a copy in Research Outputs, and we will make it open (or for the accepted version, open once any embargo period is over).
    Note agreements between ResearchGate and various publishers

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