POLITICS 345 Political Marketing POLITICS 345 Political Marketing |
Studying and Researching Political Marketing
Academic Literature
Baines, Paul (2012). ‘Political marketing has lessons for business schools’. The Financial Times, 12 November. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/e58afb24-2755-11e2-abcb-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2C01AiNze (accessed 7 June 2013).
Coleman, Stephen (2007). ‘Review of Lilleker and Lees-Marshment (2005) Political Marketing: A Comparative Perspective’. Parliamentary Affairs, 60(1): 180–6.
Harris, Phil and Andrew Lock (2010). ‘EDITORIAL: “Mind the gap”: The rise of political marketing and a perspective on its future agenda’. European Journal of Marketing, 44(3/4): 297–307.
Henneberg, Stephan (2002). Understanding Political Marketing. In Nicholas O'Shaughnessy and Stephan Henneberg (Eds.), The Idea of Political Marketing. London: Praeger.
Henneberg, Stephan C (2008). "An Epistemological Perspective on Research in Political Marketing." Journal of Political Marketing 7, no. 2 : 151 - 82.
Henneberg, Stephen (2004). The views of an advocatus dei: Political marketing and its critics. Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 4(3): 225-243.
Kaplan, A. M. and M. Haenlein (2009). "The connection between marketing and public administration: towards a global understanding of public marketing." Revue Francaise du Marketing 224: 49-66.
Kaplan, A. M. and M. Haenlein (2009). "The increasing importance of public marketing: explanation, applications and limits of marketing within public administration." European Management Journal 27(3): 197-212.
Kotler, Philip and Sidney J. Levy (1969). ‘Broadening the concept of marketing’. Journal of Marketing,33(1): 10–15.
Luck, David J. (1969). ‘Broadening the concept of marketing – too far’. Journal of Marketing, 33: 53–5.
Ormrod, Robert P., Stephan C. M. Henneberg and Nicholas O’Shaughnessy (2013). Political Marketing: Theory and Concepts. London: Sage.
Savigny, Heather and Mick Temple (2010). ‘Political marketing models: The curious incident of the dog that doesn't bark’. Political Studies, 58(5): 1049–64.
Smith, Gareth and John Saunders (1990). ‘The application of marketing to British politics’. Journal of Marketing Management, 5(3): 295–306.
Walsh, Kieron (1994). ‘Marketing and public sector management’. European Journal of Marketing, 28(3): 63–71.