POLITICS 345 Political Marketing POLITICS 345 Political Marketing |
Delivery Challenges
Academic Literature
Barber, Michael (2007). Instruction to Deliver. London: Politicos.
Butler, Patrick and Phil Harris (2009). ‘Considerations on the evolution of political marketing theory’. Marketing Theory, 9(2): 149–64.
Johnson, Dennis W. (2013). ‘The election of 2012’. In Dennis W. Johnson (ed.) Campaigning for President 2012: Strategy and Tactics. New York: Routledge, 1–22.
Lees-Marshment, J (2009) 'Marketing after the election: the potential and limitations of maintaining a market-orientation in government' ‘Rethinking Public Relations' special issue for The Canadian Journal of Communication Vol 34 pp 205-227
Lindholm, Mikael R. and Anette Prehn (2007). ‘Strategy and politics: the example of Denmark’. In Thomas Fischer, Gregor Peter Schmitz and Michael Seberich (eds) The Strategy of Politics: Results of a Comparative Study. Butersloh: Verlag, Bertelsmann Stiftung. 11-60.
Praprotnik, K. (2017). "Jurisdiction, time, and money: The role of resources in pledge fulfillment." Party Politics 23(6): 848-859.
Rehr, David R. (2013). ‘The challenges facing Obama’. In Dennis W. Johnson (ed.) Campaigning for President 2012: Strategy and Tactics. New York: Routledge, 25–42.
Sooh-Rhee, R. Y. U. (2017). "Promises are Promises? A Study of Campaign Promise Fulfillment among South Korean Legislators, 2008-2012." Korea Journal 57(1): 65-89.
Temple, Mick (2010) ‘Political marketing, party behaviour and political science’. In Jennifer Lees-Marshment, Jesper Strömbäck and Chris Rudd (eds) Global Political Marketing. London: Routledge, 263–77.
Whiteley, Paul, Harold D. Clarke, David Sanders and Marianne Stewart. (2016). "Why Do Voters Lose Trust in Governments? Public Perceptions of Government Honesty and Trustworthiness in Britain 2000-2013." British Journal of Politics & International Relations 18(1): 234-254.
Insatiable demand
What have the Romans ever done for us? (Monty Python) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7HmhrgTuQ. This was suggested by an Australian campaign manager as a way to get over how voters always want more. It is from Monty Python but cponveys how despite weaknesses the Romans actually delivered a long list of achievements. If the link here does not work just do a google search for other sources of the clip.
Challenges generally
- The Road we've travelled - Obama in the lead up to the 2012 re-election campaign discussing the constraints in government, March 2012. 16 minutes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2POembdArVo. There is a shorter 2 minute trailor at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXtJhLUOFXE
- Canadian Conservatives Harper positive leadership difficult decisions ad https://youtu.be/um1pc0ZpW10
- Unexpected challenges - edited video discussed struggles of the early stages of the Clinton Administration, covering things like unexpected circumstances (the deficit); breaking promises; setting unrealistic goals/failing to deliver; and dealing with variables like a hostile congress & media - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COS4rI4C1Nc. A full documentary is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_zXpHKcwYs
- Government’s message too complicated – ABC media interview with political consultant Mark Textor (from Crosby Textor) about the Liberal Government’s troubles in Australia in light of the Labor win in Victoria 19:26. Includes transcript on webpage http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2014/s4140063.htm
- Discussion about challenges in the US states – C-Span one hour discussion - National Governors Association Chair Mary Fallin (R-OK) and Vice Chair John Hickenlooper (D-CO) gave an update on some of the challenges states were facing. 1:00:30 http://www.c-span.org/video/?317215-1/nga-annual-state-states-address
Glover, Julian (2006). ‘Labour support at lowest level since Thatcher’s last election victory’, The Guardian, 25 October http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2006/oct/25/uk.polls