Publish a course
Publishing your website creates a non-editable version for students to access. This version is called Student view. Press Publish and wait until you see the message saying 'done'.
When to publish
All changes, big or small, are saved when you click the Save button, so there’s no need to publish frequently. You should only publish your course when you are happy with your changes and are ready to update the Student view.
Your course will be hosted on the CourseBuilder server and students will need to log in to access it. However, if you require your course to be open to the public (i.e. not behind UniSign login) you can request an open access URL. The Flexible Learning server ( has been specifically set up for this purpose. Email:
Viewing your published course
Press Student view to see your published course in a new window/tab. You will give your students the URL of the published course.