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POLITICS 345 Political Marketing POLITICS 345 Political Marketing |
Targeted communication
Academic Literature
Bodrunova, Svetlana S.(2014)Case Study 6.4 ‘”Humble and Hard-Working?”: Sergey Sobyanin and Alexey Navalny as Moscow Mayoral Candidates of 2013’in Political Marketing: Principles and Applications 2nd edition Routledge.
Busby, Robert (2009). Marketing the Populist Politician: The Demotic Democrat. Palgrave Macmillan.
Busby, Robert (2014). ‘Mama Grizzlies: Republican female candidates and the political marketing dilemma’. In Jennifer Lees-Marshment, Brian Conley and Kenneth Cosgrove (eds). Political Marketing in the US. New York: Routledge.
Elder, Edward, and Justin B. Phillips (2017). ‘Appeals to the Hispanic demographic: Targeting through Facebook autoplay videos by the Clinton campaign during the 2015/2016 presidential primaries’. Journal of Political Marketing 16(3/4): 319-342.
Elder, Edward (2018). ‘The Clinton campaign: Appeals to moderate swing voters through anti-Trump targeted communication." In Jamie Gillies (ed). Political Marketing in the 2016 US Presidential Election. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 81-95.
Germany, Julie (2013). ‘Advances in campaign technology’. In Dennis W. Johnson (ed.) Campaigning for President 2012: Strategy and Tactics. New York: Routledge, 81–91.
González, Roberto J. (2017). ‘Hacking the citizenry?: Personality profiling, “big data” and the election of Donald Trump’. Anthropology Today 33(3), 9-12.
Harmer, Emily and Dominic Wring (2013). ‘Julie and the Cybermums: marketing and women voters in the UK 2010 general election’. Journal of Political Marketing, 12(2/3): 262–73.
Hersh, Eitan D. and Brian F. Schaffner (2013). ‘Targeted campaign appeals and the value of ambiguity’. Journal of Politics, 75(2): 520–534.
Johnson, Dennis W. (2013). ‘The election of 2012’. In Dennis W. Johnson (ed.) Campaigning for President 2012: Strategy and Tactics. New York: Routledge, 1–22.
Kruikemeier, Sanne, Minem Sezgin, and Sophie C. Boerman (2016). ‘Political microtargeting: Relationship between personalized advertising on Facebook and voters' responses’. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 19(6): 367-372.
Leppäniemi, Matti, Heikki Karjaluoto, Heikki Lehto and Annia Goman (2010). ‘Targeting young voters in a political campaign: empirical insights into an interactive digital marketing campaign in the 2007 Finnish general election’. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 22(1): 14–37.
Matz, Sibylle C., Michael Kosinski, Gideon Nave and David J. Stillwell (2017). ‘Psychological targeting as an effective approach to digital mass persuasion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 201710966.
McGough, Sean (2005). ‘Political marketing in Irish politics: the case of Sinn Féin’. In Darren G. Lilleker and Jennifer Lees-Marshment (eds) Political Marketing: A Comparative Perspective. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Pp 97-113.
O'Leary, Noreen (2009). ‘GMMB’. Mediaweek, 19(24): AM2.
Rayner, Jennifer (2014) Case Study 6.5 ‘Get the targets right and victory will follow’ in Political Marketing: Principles and Applications 2nd edition Routledge.
Ridout, Travis N., Michael M. Franz, Kenneth M. Goldstein and William J. Feltus. (2012). 'Separation by Television Program: Understanding the Targeting of Political Advertising in Presidential Elections." Political Communication 29(1): 1-23.
Ridout, Travis N. (2014). ‘The market research, testing and targeting behind American political advertising’. In Jennifer Lees-Marshment, Brian Conley and Kenneth Cosgrove (eds) Political Marketing in the US. New York: Routledge.
Ads targeting women
Montage of Political ads for women US in the 2012 Presidential election 3 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUmh4KCzrjc
See Michelle Obama – Join Women for Obama - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaXtEwTszac&feature=relmf
Targeting in politics
Marketing emotion and micro-targeting through political ads academic discussion, University of Texas at Austin - as part of their Elections 2012 coverage, visiting scholar Victoria M. DeFrancesco Soto reveals what the future holds for political ad campaigns this season - 4 minutes -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufkVr4YbAag
Ethnic targeting
Ethnic targeting in US 2014 mid term elections - US Political Parties Eye Asian American Vote – Voice of America, US 2014 mid terms - - 03:34 http://www.voanews.com/content/us-political-parties-asian-americans/2486338.html
Targeting students
Green Party Targeting students https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tCuGUEWdA0 Published on Aug 7, 2014 Green Party Co-leaders Russel Norman and Metiria Turei visited Auckland University to launch the Student Green Card - free off-peak public transport for tertiary students and apprentices.
Obama campaign took unorthodox approach to ad buying' discusses how the used different data to target TV ads in unlikely places http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-influence-industry-obama-campaign-took-unorthodox-approach-to-ad-buying/2012/11/14/c3477e8c-2e87-11e2-beb2-4b4cf5087636_story.html
Democrats, in a stark shift in messaging, to make big tax-break pitch for middle class – The Washington Post (Januray 2015) – Article discussing leading Democrats decision to attempt to address income inequality by creating more tax breaks for the middle class following the unpopularity of Obama’s economic approach the previous year.